Ets2 Bumper Slots
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Krone Slots 1.36.x v 0.30 Description: Krone Coolliner equipped with slots + slots on the back extended over 100 slots Pallet box equipped with slots + paintable box Paintable rear bumper with slots equipped + double turn signals New Smalllight ertstellt as a turn signal Rear pallet box with slots extension as paintable. ETS2 Iberia DLC is a map expansion bringing the second largest European peninsula to the game. The first news we got about it dates back to February 13, 2020. The latest news were about Lisbon, the capital of Portugal and how it will look like in Euro Truck Simulator 2. Download Parts & Tuning mods for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Headlight, Engines, Transmissions, etc.
Backbumper custom V3 RJL scania R & T & 4 series Parts MOD

Backbumper Custrom for RJL mod V3
Fixed backbumper with extra parts
for use my bumper go to shop and delete everything from your bumper and then select this one
Ets2 Bumper Slots Games
It’s works on:
-scania R
-scania R4
-scania T
-scania T4
this bumper works only with RJL V2.0 and T V2.0 and 4 series R&T
if you have the old version of RJL stay with the Custom Backbumper V2!
Ets2 Bumper Slots Online

Ets2 Scania Next Gen Bumper Slots
changes to v3:
-change brightnes from color for now it wil have the same color of youre skin
-fix slots position
-new template (you have to change your skin ) and for now it won’t cross the powerkasi stuff on template
-delete some old slots points
– left and right side slots only for long side lights from powerkasi lightpack
– add reverse lights (for slots on the toolbox left side near chassis and right side near chassis)
-add stiholts mudflaps
-add scanva diesel mudflaps