Serbia Gambling
Serbia - Gambling Tax Report - 2005 to 2019. Latest annual Gambling Tax Report data from the Games of Chance Administration of Serbia. The data released. Serbia land-based gambling casinos: Listed by City/Province Serbia, Eastern Europe land casinos listed by area: (In the Serbia casino listings, gaming times, type of games, minimum bets, promotions, services, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change.). 100% legal online Serbian casino.
Croatia Gambling

Problem gambling prevention policies
Serbian legislation requires the organisation of games of chance to be socially responsible and organised in a manner that ensures the protection of minors and the prevention of addiction for players. Additionally, all player personal data is protected by law. Operators of games of chance are obligated to enforce the prohibition of participation of juvenile persons in the games of chance in the most effective way.
All staff working for the casino operators who have customer- facing roles are required to be fully trained in the recognition of problem gambling behaviour and the prevention of gambling addiction.
Leaflets addressing issues of gaming addiction, and featuring the contact data of an institution certified by the Ministry of Health for treating addiction, must be made available at each counter or window where games of chance are played, and a poster containing the same information must be displayed in the vicinity of the entrance door.
National legislation also requires customers to be a minimum of 18 years of age, with minors prohibited from entering any gambling facility.
Operators are required to maintain a permanent database of prohibited players and no publicity relating to gambling or special games of chance is permitted without the provision of a clear notice that the participation of minors is prohibited. Notices making clear that minors are prohibited from gaming must be displayed alongside all games.
Problem Gambling Prevention Policies
The organisation of games of chance has to be socially responsible and organised in a manner that ensures the protection of minors, prevention of addiction disease, as well as the protection of personal data of participants.
In September 2013 Grand Casino Beograd adopted the Code of Practice for Responsible Gaming in accordance with the European Casino Association’s Code of Practice for Responsible Gaming in the Casino Environment.
In July 2014 Grand Casino Beograd passed the audit for the ECA’s responsible gaming certification with an impressive performance and has been granted certification. The auditors from SGS Belgrade company were highly impressed with Grand Casino Beograd employees’ professionalism and superior engagement with the topic of social responsibility.
Responsible Gaming Project
In 2010, Grand Casino Beograd signed a Responsible Gambling Protocol with the Belgrade City Assembly, establishing its role as a socially responsible organisation addressing issues of problem gambling.
On the basis of the agreement, call centre-based hotlines were established for individuals with pathological gambling issues. Grand Casino Beograd also supported the research of the Masmi agency on player behaviour in games of chance, and on the emergence of indicators of pathological gambling. The gambling research showed that 3.6 percent of the adult population is gambling addicts, while another 2.5 percent belong in a high-risk group.
In 2013, a project titled “Gambling with life is not a game” was launched to deal with the prevention of pathological gambling, specifically aimed at high school children.
The programme was supported by Belgrade City Assembly, the secretariat for education and childcare and the Municipality of New Belgrade. Research on Belgrade youth gambling and life habits was conducted as a part of the project.
In April 2014, Grand Casino Beograd extended its cooperation agreement with the Belgrade City Assembly to conduct further educational workshop in Municipality of Zemun. With the signing of a new protocol, this project was continued in 2015 in Municipality of Stari Grad with the aim to inform young people about issues of problem gambling, its causes, symptoms and treatment. This new protocol will be extended throughout 2016 at the Municipalities of Vracar and Palilula.
Legal Gambling Age: 18 Years Old

Smoking Ban: No. Smoking in casinos is permitted at the discretion of casino operators.
With the start of the implementation of the new Gambling Act (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 18/2020 – hereinafter: the Law) significant novelties in this area have come into force, as well as starting obligatory deadlines for organizers of games of chance to harmonize their business with the provisions of the new Law.
The organizers of special gambling (i) in casinos, (ii) at slot machines, (iii) betting and (iv) on-line gambling are obliged to submit to the Gaming Authority, by June 30, 2020, proofs of ownership structure, certain financial documents(balance sheets, audit of financial statements, etc.), as well as evidence of non-condemnation of the gambling organizer, owners, real owners, associates and appointed persons.
From the date of implementation of the new Law, within 15 months, ending July 10, 2021, organizers of special gambling are obliged to harmonize their business related to:
- share capital(approval for the organization of special games of chance (i) at slot machines, (ii) betting and (iii) on-line gambling may be obtained by a legal entity withregistered share capital which may not be less than a dinar equivalent of EUR 250,000 calculated at the official average the course of the National Bank of Serbia. The organizer must cumulatively fulfil this condition regarding the amount of share capital for each authorization);
- securing the collection of winnings and collection of fees(organizers of special games of chance must, during the period for which the permit has been issued, to have a special deposit in a bank with the territory of the Republic of Serbia or hold a bank guarantee in the amounts as follows: (i) organizers of special gambling at slot machines of at least EUR 500 in dinar equivalent, per slot machine; (ii) organizer of special games of chance – betting of at least EUR 5,000 in dinar equivalent per betting office; (iii) organizer of on-line special games of chance of EUR 300,000 in dinar equivalent);
- information and communication system(special gambling operators are obliged to use the information and communication system for special gambling, which enables the storage, archiving and exchange of data electronically with the software solution of the Gambling Administration for supervision);
- video surveillance(provision of continuous video surveillance with a recording of all slot machines in the slot club/ betting office, entry and exit of the slot club/ betting office, as well as surveillance of players and visitors, as well as keeping surveillance videos within the specified time frame);
- labelling and registration stickers.
The new Law also prescribes the obligation for organizers of special games of chance to register in the Company Register an activity from the group 92.00 Gambling and betting Classification of activities as principal activity.
Serbia Gambling Law
A novelty has also been introduced regarding the approval for special gambling, and now the fees for obtaining the special gambling permit are calculated in proportion to the number of days until the end of the month from the date of receipt of the approval decision.
The new Law also promotes the social responsibility of gambling organizers, so that advertisements must be accompanied by a ban on minors and a warning on the prevention of addiction diseases while introducing an absolute prohibition on advertising in print and electronic media intended for minors.
Gambling In Serbia
The new solutions significantly expand the legal framework in the field of organizing sweepstakes in goods and services provided by legal entities and entrepreneurs for advertising purposes of their products and services, i.e. precisely define the term sweepstakes, extend their duration from 30 to 45 days. It allows organizing games for advertising purposes four times during the calendar year instead of the previous two times, thus meeting the numerous demands of the economy, as well as increasing budget revenues.
Serbia Gambling Age
The Law also introduces new restrictions on the use of the word root, i.e. the words “casino”, “sazino”, “kasino” ili “kazino“, as well as the prohibition of organizing of special games of chance, to the organizer who owns or co-owns a sports club for events in that sport and competition rank.
Serbia Gambling Tax

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