Evan Silverstein Poker

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  1. Evan Silverstein Poker Games
  2. Evan Silverstein Poker Rules
Evan silverstein poker games

Hand #164: Silverman folded the button. Cliff Jospehy raised to 55,000 from the small blind. Evan Silverstein reraised all in for 591,000 from the big blind. Silverstein was holding against Sammartino's. The river though wasn't one of Sammartino's outs, it was the giving Silverstein quads. 'That's it, I've got him covered,' Silverstein said after the hand. But Silverstein was wrong, After the hand the dealer counted the chips and Sammartino had more chips, but only by 2,000.

On the first hand Silverstein and Sammartino got their money in with the board reading . Silverstein was holding against Sammartino's . The river though wasn't one of Sammartino's outs, it was the giving Silverstein quads.

Evan Silverstein Poker Games

'That's it, I've got him covered,' Silverstein said after the hand.

Evan Silverstein Poker Rules

But Silverstein was wrong, After the hand the dealer counted the chips and Sammartino had more chips, but only by 2,000.

Evan silverstein poker rulesPoker

Sammartino was able to double once, but his wasn't able to catch up to Silverstein's for a second double.

Silverstein will return will the rest of the table winners tomorrow at the final table.